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A solo backpacker who has been to 40 countries says she always avoids packing white clothing

A woman in a gray tank and white pants sits on a rock in front of Machu Pichu.
Claire Sturzaker is a solo backpacker who recommends leaving white clothing at home. Claire Sturzaker/Tales of a Backpacker
  • Solo backpacker Claire Sturzaker told Insider she doesn't pack white clothing for trips. 
  • White clothing tends to get visibly dirty while traveling, Sturzaker said of her experiences. 
  • Sturzaker also recommends packing lightweight clothing that doesn't wrinkle. 

When it comes to packing clothes for a trip, solo backpacker Claire Sturzaker leaves anything white at home. 

Sturzaker started traveling 20 years ago and has since been to 40 countries around the world. She documents her experiences and shares travel tips on her blog, Tales of a Backpacker.

Since she travels with just a backpack, Sturzaker's clothing and laundry options are limited. So she regularly repeats outfits on the road. 

White clothing gets visibly dirty while traveling

Sturzaker told Insider that she sticks to clothing that's both comfortable and colorful. 


"I don't bring white stuff because once I've worn it a few times, it gets dusty and dirty and it turns a really horrible brown color," she said. "I don't want to wear any of those things."

To keep her clothes clean, Sturzaker typically uses laundry sheets to handwash her items in sinks.

"It almost looks like paper, but it's laundry soap in a sheet," she said. "They're really good and they smell nice, so you can put them in your backpack and it makes it smell nice in there as well."

However, Sturzaker said she struggles to get dirt, sweat, and sunscreen stains out of white clothing while handwashing — but she recommends "squeezing out as much excess water as possible, rolling the wet items inside a towel, and twisting the towel tightly so it gets even more moisture out." 


Sturzaker also told Insider that she sticks to lightweight clothing that dries quickly and avoids any pieces that wrinkle.

"I never iron anything. I think that's ridiculous — especially when I'm traveling," she said. 

In addition to her clothing essentials, Sturzaker never travels without a water bottle with a built-in filter, which saves her money and allows her to safely drink from any fresh water source. 

For more of Sturzaker's packing tips for all types of trips, from road trips to carry-on essentials, check out the packing lists on her blog. 

Travel Lifestyle
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