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Gunman who killed two had family violence history, say New Zealand police – as it happened

This article is more than 10 months old
Thu 20 Jul 2023 01.17 EDTFirst published on Wed 19 Jul 2023 17.57 EDT
Women's World Cup to go ahead after gunman kills two in Auckland – video report

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Offender had history of family violence, say police

The offender was the subject of home detention, but had an exception to work at the site, Coster said.

“The individual is known for primarily family violence history,” he says.

He adds that he believes there were “indications of mental health history” in the offender, but that there was no evidence he was of high lethal risk and that his previous offences did not suggest he posed this kind of threat.

The gunman, 24, killed two people before he died, either due to police fire or by shooting himself.

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We are now ending our live coverage of the Auckland shooting. You can read our full story on the shooting here. Below is a summary of what happened:

  • Two people were killed and six injured by a gunman in a shooting at a building site in central Auckland on Thursday morning, hours before the Women’s World Cup was due to start in the city. The shooter later died, in circumstances that are unclear. The shooting was not politically or ideologically motivated, New Zealand prime minister Chris Hipkins said. At least one police officer was among those injured during an exchange of fire.

  • The offender was the subject of a home detention sentence, but had an exemption to work at the building site where the shooting occurred, New Zealand police commissioner Andrew Coster said. “The individual is known for primarily family violence history,” he said. He said there were “indications of mental health history” but that there was no evidence he was of high lethal risk and that his previous offences did not suggest he posed this kind of threat. Police did not identify the gunman, saying only that he was 24 and died after isolating himself in an elevator shaft at the top of the building site.

  • The shooting occurred as the Fifa Women’s World Cup was due to begin in Auckland on Thursday night, with a match between New Zealand and Norway. Players staying in hotels nearby described their experiences as the shooting unfolded. Authorities said the tournament would proceed as planned and that there was no threat. “Aucklanders and those watching around the world can be assured that the police have neutralised the threat and that they are not seeking anybody else,” Hipkins said.

  • The gunman was armed with a pump-action shotgun. “He moved through the building site and discharged his firearm. Upon reaching the upper levels of the building the man contained himself in an elevator and Police engaged with him, shots were fired and he was located a short time later,” the prime minister said.

  • Police said it was safe for members of the public to return to the city centre. “Police are reassuring the public that they can continue to come into the CBD,” New Zealand police said, with the security cordon lifted several hours after the shooting.

  • The organisers of the Fifa Fan Festival are waiting for further advice from the police before deciding when to open. The Fan Festival was meant to have opened at midday local time. There would be an update at 2pm, the organisers said.

  • In a second press conference later on Thursday, Hipkins said police will investigate how the shooter managed to get hold of a gun despite not having a licence. They will look to see if “red flags that could have identified something earlier,” he said. He expressed his condolences for the families of those killed. “The whole nation is mourning with you.”

  • He reiterated that it was safe to go to the World Cup match tonight, and that he would be there himself.

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Hipkins reiterates that it is safe to go to the FIFA match tonight. He will be going and it is safe to go, he says.

Police are going to investigate how the shooter managed to get hold of a gun despite not having a licence. They will look to see if “red flags that could have identified something earlier,” he says.

New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins is speaking now.

He expresses his condolences for the families of those killed. “The whole nation is mourning with you,” he says.

Jerome Hisus, originally from the Philippines, told The Guardian’s Anna Rankin that many of the construction workers on the site where the shooting happened were Filipino.

“They told me they had seen firing from a gun, one man had seen the gunman and told me someone had fallen on the stairs—maybe he had been shot. They were speaking Filipino so I was able to figure out what was going on.”

The Guardian’s Anna Rankin is on the ground in Auckland and has spoken to witnesses:

Truck drivers for a manufacturing company, Jerome Hisus and Christina Tuala, arrived this morning at a building adjacent to the site of the shooting to deliver joinery supplies for a store fit-out. The pair finished unloading at around 7:30 am when shots rang out above, prompting streams of workers to flee the building en masse.

They could see three men cowering in a corner, Tuala said.

First we heard two gunshots, we had closed up our truck, and everyone started running. We looked up and saw two men crouching, cowering in the corner, and one lying down, we thought he had been shot. We got escorted out and could see another ten people in the building, trapped in there.

We didn’t know why people were running at first. There were about 50 workers, and what seemed like hundreds as we were escorted across the road. People were yelling to get out, police and security were helping to push people behind buildings, or anything hard, because the shooting was happening.”

US Ambassador Tom Udall has expressed his condolences, saying, “Jill and I, alongside our U.S. whānau, are heartbroken by the senseless tragic event that took place in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland this morning. Sending our deepest thoughts and aroha to everyone affected, their families, and the entire community. Kia kaha.”

Jill and I, alongside our U.S. whānau, are heartbroken by the senseless tragic event that took place in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland this morning. Sending our deepest thoughts and aroha to everyone affected, their families, and the entire community. Kia kaha.

— Ambassador Tom Udall 🇺🇸 (@USAmbNZ) July 20, 2023

US player: 'We've dealt with this far too many times'

Lynn Williams, of the US women’s football team, have spoken at a press conference ahead of the World Cup’s opening, Stuff.NZ reports.

“Unfortunately, in the US, it feels like we’ve dealt with this far too many times,” she said.

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New Zealand governor general 'deeply shocked'

Governor general Cindy Kiro has released a statement:

I was deeply shocked to learn of the shooting incident in Auckland this morning. My husband and I extend our sincerest sympathy to the families of the victims. Successive Governors-General have had close relationships with NZ Police, and we admire their bravery and share their concern for their wounded colleague. As Prior of the Order of St John, I also commend the courage of the first responders to the scene. I know we speak for all New Zealanders in expressing our aroha to everyone who has been impacted by this terrible event.

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The property company that owns the building where the incident occurred has issued a statement, Stuff.NZ reports.

The chief executive of Scott Pritchard, Precinct Properties, who own 1 Queen St, said:

On behalf of Precinct Properties, I would like to extend our sincere condolences to the families of the victims following this morning’s tragic incident. Our thoughts are also with those workers onsite who were involved in today’s traumatic events.”

“We are deeply shocked and saddened that this occurred on our 1 Queen Street construction site, and I would like to thank the Emergency Services who bravely responded,” chief executive Scott Pritchard said.

He said the site will be closed until advised by the police.

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