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Coming Soon to Your Podcast Feed: Science, Quickly

A new era in Scientific American audio history is about to drop starting next week. Get ready for a science variety show guaranteed to quench your curiosity in under 10 minutes.

Illustration of a Bohr atom model spinning around the words "Science Quickly" with various science- and medicine-related icons around the text

Ben Konkol

Illustration of a Bohr atom model spinning around the words Science Quickly with various science and medicine related icons around the text

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DelViscio: This is Jeff DelViscio, chief multimedia editor here at Scientific American. 

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Bose: And this is Tulika Bose, senior multimedia editor. 

DelViscio: Hey Tulika. Do you remember the year 2006? 

Bose: Sure, Jeff. A lot happened. 

DelViscio: The existence of Dark matter was confirmed. The missing link between fish and stuff with four legs–a fossil of a creature dubbed Tiktaalik–was found. Twitter launched. But Pluto also lost its planetary status. 

Bose: Aww, poor dwarf planet Pluto. And we lost “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin. 

DelViscio: A moment of silence. 

DelViscio: And everyone believed that drinking wine would help you live longer. Do you remember ... res, res ...

Bose: Oh yeah, resvere ... resvere ...  

DelViscio and Bose: Resveratrol.

DelViscio: Right ....

Bose: Yeah ... and everyone also believed that our newly-launched podcast, 60-Second Science, would stay 60 seconds. 

DelViscio: [Laughs]

Bose: [Laughs] But over those 15+ years and thousands of episodes of our beloved science podcast later … 

DelViscio: ... it became very clear that 60-Second Science …

Bose: wasn’t actually going to stay 60 seconds. And of those 3,000 episodes, how many were actually 60 seconds? 

DelViscio: You know I'm not sure, but I think we started to slide in the mid-2010’s. 

Bose: Yeah, that’s the number one piece of feedback I get from everyone who listens to the show and loves it. Your show isn’t 60 seconds! It’s a lie! Including someone who's going to write for us who listened to it on their school bus.

DelViscio: Well, in their honor, we’re not going to live the lie anymore. 

Bose: No more, no more. So, because of that we’re going to be correcting the serial error in a big way. 

DelViscio: It's a new era in Scientific American podcast history. 

Bose: Einstein might have written for us back in the 1950’s ...  

DelViscio: ... but you don’t have to be an Einstein to listen to this podcast. It’s a science pod for everyone. 

Bose: We’ll be expanding our hosts, our coverage, and most importantly, the space time continuum of this podcast. 

DelViscio: Here’s a little taste of the stories–from their new hosts—we have coming ....

Hamilton Morris: Hi, I'm Hamilton Morris, and I'll be talking about chemistry, pharmacology and new research on psycho-active drugs for Scientific American's Science, Quickly.  

Shayla Love: Hey, this is Shayla Love and I'm going to take you inside the brain, in love.


Christopher Intagliata: This is Christopher Intagliata and I'm searching for the pools of life.


Allison Parshall: I'm Allison Parshall and I'm going to be taking you to a world where AI makes music.


Jacob Job: This is Jacob Job and together we'll explore bird conservation via nocturnal migration. 


Kelso Harper: This is Kelso Harper and I'll be exploring the queerness of nature.


Jason Drakeford: This is Jason Drakeford and together we'll track down the sounds of outer space.


Meghan McDonough: This is Meghan McDonough and I'll be exploring the science of pleasure.


Shannon Liao: My name is Shannon Liao and I'll be covering the science of video games and everything you might want to know about that. 


Tanya Lewis: This is Tanya Lewis.

Josh Fischman: And Josh Fischman, and we'll be back with Your Health, Quickly.

Lewis: Health news you can use on COVID ... 

Fischman: ... but now also on stuff beyond the pandemic. 

Lewis: Medicine. 

Fischman: Neuroscience.

Lewis: Nutrition. 

Fischman: Exercise.

Lewis: And a whole lot more. 


Bose: This sounds fascinating. 

DelViscio: And not one of these podcasts is 60 seconds. 

Bose: Oh thank God. But we’re still going to respect your time. Fascinating and fast. 

DelViscio: You might even say, “Science, Quickly .... ”

Bose: You know what? That’s great. Let’s go with that. 

DelViscio: So join us ... 

Bose: ... for Science, Quickly.

DelViscio: Coming to this podcast feed ...

Bose: ... this brand new, refreshed podcast feed ...

DelViscio: ... yes, indeed, Monday February 13. 

Bose: I preferred Tuesday.

DelViscio: Heartbreaking, I know. 

Bose: But Monday it is. I’m not superstitious, I swear. 

DelViscio: See you all then. 


The Science, Quickly music was composed by Dominic Smith.

[The above is a transcript of this podcast.]

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Jeff DelViscio is currently Chief Multimedia Editor/Executive Producer at Scientific American. He is former director of multimedia at STAT, where he oversaw all visual, audio and interactive journalism. Before that, he spent over eight years at the New York Times, where he worked on five different desks across the paper. He holds dual master's degrees from Columbia in journalism and in earth and environmental sciences. He has worked aboard oceanographic research vessels and tracked money and politics in science from Washington, D.C. He was a Knight Science Journalism Fellow at MIT in 2018. His work has won numerous awards, including two News and Documentary Emmy Awards.

More by Jeffery DelViscio

Tulika Bose is senior multimedia editor at Scientific American.

More by Tulika Bose
Coming Soon to Your Podcast Feed: Science, Quickly