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Elina Svitolina plays a shot during the ASB Classic in Auckland
‘I don’t want to be in the dark because this is, I think, the worst feeling,’ says Elina Svitolina, who spent 10 days in Ukraine in November. Photograph: Dave Rowland/Getty Images
‘I don’t want to be in the dark because this is, I think, the worst feeling,’ says Elina Svitolina, who spent 10 days in Ukraine in November. Photograph: Dave Rowland/Getty Images

Elina Svitolina balances grand slam goals with ‘mission’ for Ukraine

This article is more than 4 months old

Every morning she could awaken to ‘horrible’ news but the Ukrainian draws motivation from the support of her people

Every day, Elina Svitolina wakes up and reaches for her phone, scanning messages from friends and family at home in Ukraine, reading the latest news and watching clips about her country’s fight to defend itself against Russia’s continued war. It is bleak but the 29-year-old wants to do it. It is now as much a part of her as being a professional tennis player or a mother. And she is handling it. As her coach, Raemon Sluiter, said on Saturday: “I don’t want to use the F-word, but she’s … tough.”

“If it’s really horrible – some days are really bad – I know it straight away, as soon as I wake up,” says Svitolina. “This is part of my day. I cannot escape that and I don’t really want to escape because I want to know, I want to be in the loop with what is happening back at home.

“I have my grandmother, I have my uncle, his family’s there as well, so I want to know what’s going on. I don’t want to be in the dark because this is the worst feeling.”

As one of Ukraine’s leading sports stars, Svitolina has always played for more than herself. Her bronze medal from the Tokyo Olympics is one of her most cherished possessions. But from the moment Russia invaded Ukraine, in February 2022, she has taken it upon herself to maintain awareness, to raise money and to aid the humanitarian fight. It is a pressure and a responsibility she embraces.

“I take it as my mission,” she says. “I have my foundation, I’m an ambassador for United24 [the official fundraising programme of Ukraine]. I want to help people.

“As a tennis player, I have different kinds of opportunities. With my foundation, my team that are working for United24, we’re trying to create different kinds of events so that we can raise money for Ukrainian people.

“I try to use my platform to raise money and to help people as much as I can from my side, reminding people about the war, about the ­possible donations for kids. For example, through my foundation for the talented kids who play tennis. I try to use it in different directions, to use my platform for the health of my country.”

Svitolina acknowledges that with events in Gaza and the Red Sea, people may start to forget what is happening in Ukraine. Where once it was the first item on the news, it has been pushed down the agenda. Her efforts to keep Ukraine in the front of people’s minds have not gone unnoticed. Inundated with messages of support from home, she is as inspired by what the people of Ukraine are doing as they are about her efforts.

Elina Svitolina during her Wimbledon quarter-final victory against Iga Swiatek last year. Photograph: Tom Jenkins/The Guardian

“When I was back in Ukraine in November, so many people came to me, they’re really thankful for all the work that I do,” she says. “This really motivates me. The trip to Ukraine for 10 days took a lot out of me but I’m happy to do that.

“I don’t want to take credit, I really want to give back because the people in Ukraine are doing so much for our freedom, for the identity of Ukrainians. This Ukrainian spirit that I have, it’s all coming from there. It’s a huge motivation for me. Every single day that I wake up, I feel like I have this power. And I have this responsibility as well. But I’m happy to have that.”

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Being on top of everything must take its toll, emotionally and psychologically. Svitolina is conscious of it and takes time for herself, to protect her mental health. Her husband, the French player Gaël Monfils, and their young daughter, Skai, offer her chances to be “normal” while Sluiter adapts training plans if, as has happened a few times, Svitolina’s mind is not in the right place because of events overnight.

Her primary job is winning matches and since she returned to the Tour last March, five months after becoming a mother, Svitolina’s results have been remarkable. She reached the quarter-finals at Roland-Garros and then, at Wimbledon, she beat Iga Swiatek, the world No 1, to reach the semi-finals. Missing out on a first grand slam final hurt, but the crowd reaction was incredible.

“It’s really the best feeling I had on the court,” she says. “And an amazing result as well. It’s unbelievable how much the English people did and are doing right now for all Ukrainians, for the refugees. They really opened their arms. I’m really thankful to everyone.”

Fully fit again after a foot injury she suffered at the US Open, Svitolina reached the final in Auckland. Here, this fortnight, anything is possible. As Sluiter said: “After last year, nothing would come as a surprise.”

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