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This story of when Steve Jobs 'blew up' over a photographer is a classic example of what his biographer called 'Bad Steve'

Photo of Steve Jobs in Paris in 1998. He's outside wearing glasses and a long sleeve black shirt.
Steve Jobs introduced the iMac 25 years ago, but he was apparently very picky about even the photographers involved for a press shoot. William Stevens/Getty Images
  • Steve Jobs apparently "blew up" because he was unhappy with a photographer ahead of iMac's release.
  • The new anecdote from Wired editor Steven Levy was published to mark the iMac's 25th anniversary.
  • Levy writes that Jobs also was also unsure of a different photographer, but eventually was won over.

A quarter of a century ago, in 1998, Steve Jobs announced the iMac — a piece of technology that reverberated across the personal computer industry and aided Apple's comeback.

Along with this announcement was an iconic photoshoot, which featured a photo of Jobs sitting with the iMac in his lap. However, a newly published firsthand account of the photoshoot from Wired's editor at large, Steven Levy, revealed that Jobs was very particular about who would take his photo and wasn't afraid to lash out if he perceived someone wasn't up to his high standards.

Jobs apparently "blew up" when he learned the name of one of the photographers involved in the behind-the-scenes photos, according to Levy. Jobs was apparently angry because he worked with this photographer while at his previous company, NeXT, and was unhappy with the photographer's work.

Levy writes that the priority became managing Jobs and that Apple's PR had to "all but beg" the Apple CEO to continue with the photoshoot. Thankfully, a different photographer who would take his portraits, Moshe Brakha, worked well with Jobs, earning his respect. Brakha is a photographer based in Los Angeles who has also taken photos of major stars like Madonna and the Beastie Boys, according to the Grammy Museum, but was unknown to Jobs at the time it came to photograph him for what would eventually be the cover of Wired's magazine.

Brakha was able to calm Jobs' concerns, resulting in a successful shoot as the Apple CEO realized he was in the presence of "a fellow artist," according to Levy.


Levy's account of walking on eggshells around Jobs and managing his fiery personality was published to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the iMac, and it has all the markings of a classic Steve Jobs anecdote. The blow-up and judgement of the unnamed behind-the-scenes photographer sounds par for the course with Jobs, as there are many stories about the Apple CEO losing his temper or letting the "Bad Steve," as his biographer Walter Isaacson called it,  take control.

For example, when Apple was about to reveal the iMac in its "Bondi Blue" color, Jobs yelled at his ad partner Lee Clow, accusing him of getting the color wrong for printed advertisements, according to Isaacson. Jobs didn't calm down until Clow showed Jobs that the colors were in fact, correct, the biographer wrote in his book.

Jobs also got angry about a hotel room not being up to his standards and another time at a Whole Foods employee because he did not like the way she prepared his smoothie, Isaacson wrote. In many of these cases, his language was more colorful than the iMac.

Jobs was also known to fire people with no notice or severance pay, according to Isaacson. This was especially apparent when Jobs was tightening the Pixar team. Andy Cunningham, for example, told Insider that Jobs fired her "about five times."


Despite this, Cunningham told Insider that she still loved working with him. Jobs was known to yell, swear and throw things at people, but she said this made her a better worker.

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