What Successful Memoirs Accomplish

They make personal narrative into art: Your weekly guide to the best in books

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Getty; The Atlantic

When she read Sarah Manguso’s Ongoingness, a book about Manguso’s lifelong diary that never quotes from that text itself, Leslie Jamison felt ashamed of her own desire for personal details, “guilty for wanting the more traditionally confessional narrative,” she writes. This guilt points to the way memoir, as a genre, is often regarded: as solipsistic unburdening on the part of the writer, and as naked voyeurism on the part of the reader.

Even the adjective that Jamison uses, confessional, communicates this. We tend to imagine the memoirist as a naive spiller of information about their life, as in religious confession, rather than the intentional constructor of a narrative; notably, this attitude is most frequently applied to women who write about love, sex, and parenthood. In her collection Not One Day, Anne Garréta proves the limits of this stigma. She sets out to write, every day, about one woman she has desired or who has desired her, intending to “subject [herself] to the discipline of confessional writing.” By turning revelation into something that requires rigor and intentionality, and by giving herself narrow stipulations on what she will include, Garréta demonstrates the craft and restraint inherent to even seemingly raw personal writing.

Annie Ernaux, who won this year’s Nobel Prize in Literature, similarly uses intimate events from her life as tools in a larger project, Nellie Hermann writes. The Ernaux books that are usually called “memoirs,” such as Happening, about the abortion she had when she was a young woman, and A Girl’s Story, an account of her first sexual encounter, are also experiments in the sufficiency of language to capture experience. Ernaux has written that she aims to “test the limits of writing, push the closeness to reality as far as it would go.”

Memoir, then, can uncover the banal’s relevance to both the art of writing and to our lives in general. Hua Hsu’s book Stay True, a coming-of-age story about a friendship he had in college, “is powerful because in many ways, his story is unremarkable,” our critics write. And in her book Communion, bell hooks shares and analyzes her personal experiences of intimacy—including the end of a 15-year partnership—in order to teach us how romantic love can be cultivated. In these books, we might see autobiography not as a site of mere disclosure, but, as Jamison writes, as “collaborative inquiry, author and reader facing the same questions from inside their inevitably messy lives.”

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About us: This week’s newsletter is written by Christina McCausland. The book she’s reading next is Eastbound, by Maylis De Kerangal, translated by Jessica Moore.

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Christina McCausland is a copy editor at The Atlantic.