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When my kids go back to school, I write their teachers a letter detailing their strengths and challenges. Everyone appreciates it.

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  • I'm a mom of four, and every year I write a letter to each of my kids' teachers. 
  • It started with one of my kids who has a slew of diagnosis and didn't know how to explain them. 
  • I include what they like and dislike, what their challenges are, and a bit about our family. 

A few years ago, when one of my four children was starting their school year with a slew of diagnoses and a brand new individualized educational program (IEP), I started a new tradition. Each fall, I decided I would write a letter to my children's teachers, introducing my child.

Even though we had the IEP, which is over 50 pages of information, a teacher wouldn't have time to read the document in its entirety while also recalling all the necessary details. Plus, the document was written by multiple school staff members — not me. So the "All About Me" letter was born.

The reality is that my kid didn't have the language to share the information with their teacher verbally, nor would I expect a child of their age to give the teacher important details. As a parent, but also as a former teacher myself, I knew that such a letter could help my children have the best possible start to the school year. This works well whether your child has a disability or not. Here's what I include.

My child's likes and dislikes

Obviously, a teacher's job isn't to make sure every child in their classroom has their "likes" met and their "dislikes" avoided. However, when the teacher understood that one of my kids, for example, greatly dislikes loud noises and likes reading graphic novels, I'm setting my child up for school success. Many teachers use incentives for kids, so knowing what motivates a kid — and what doesn't — can be helpful.


My child's strengths

Knowing what my child is good at, such as being inclusive of others, empathetic, and polite, can again work to the teacher's advantage. For example, many classroom teachers assign rotating roles to kids to play within the classroom. Knowing that my child thrives on making sure everyone feels understood and welcomed can aid the teacher in deciding what roles my kid will flourish in. Passing out papers for the teacher may be a better choice for my child than watering the classroom plants.

My child's challenges

One of my kids has a difficult time with transitions — which is changing from one subject or activity to another. If the teacher is aware of this, they are prepared — not surprised — when a transition causes my kid to spiral. The teacher then can implement ways to help ease transitions, such as giving a few reminders that the class is going to move from math class to recess or it's almost time to pack up for the day and head to the school bus line.

My child's helpful tools

Thankfully, lots of classrooms today incorporate fidget toys for all students, flexible seating (think beanbag chairs, for example), and more minimal classroom décor (which is more calming than a cluttered classroom). One of my kids thrives when they have access to a visual timer for tasks, for example. Because I shared this with a teacher one year, she implemented using a countdown timer for all students on her smart board — which ended up helping lots of her students stay on task, knowing there was an end-in-sight.

My child's home life and family

Knowing a child's home dynamic and basics about the child can help a teacher visualize the child's home life, but also understand more about the child in general. For example, my kids were all adopted, and we share this with teachers. We do this mainly because our kids often talk about their siblings and parents — many of whom don't live in our home but are a part of our lives. Sharing my kids' personalities, who lives in our home, and their hobbies are other points we hit upon.


Lastly, we include a photo of our child, because the poor teacher is welcoming in lots of students at once. We want the teacher to match the name to the face, especially during the first few weeks of school. Teachers have always told me they appreciate the "All About Me" letter. 

Essay Parenting
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